Scholarship Recomendation in Universitas Gadjah Mada
Tuesday, 05 March 2019
From : Sekar Ariane M.
Biology Teacher in Three
Senior High School
Belitung Street No. 8,
To : Dr. Budi Santoso
The Head of Management
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Bulaksumur Street,
Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
To the head of Management Department that may concern, I am writing this letter to recommend Faradila Azzahra Anwar for the Medicine Faculty in Universitas Gadjah Mada. I believe that a letter of recommendation is a very serious business, so I write this one, only because I am sure that she is right for that faculty.
Faradila is a student in twelfth grade of Three Senior High School that about to graduate this year. I have known her for two years. As her biology teacher, I can see how talented she is in biology. She doesnt only memorize the materies, but she understand about the materies. She says that she is curious about how complex human body is, and I know that by her curiousity, she will study hard and make a good doctor someday.
So, by writing this letter as a recommendation, I really hope that you can highly consider about taking Faradila as your student in Medicine Faculty. It has been a dream of Faradila for studying medicine in your University. Thank you for taking this letter.
With all respect,
Sekar Ariane M.
Biology Teacher of Three Senior High School