Rabu, 01 Mei 2019

Aspiration Day 2019

It’s Time To Give Aspiration

Every year, SMA Negeri 3 Bandung hold an Aspiration Day. Aspiration Day, or usually called ASPIDAY is the day where all the students of SMA Negeri 3 Bandung could give their aspiration about the teachers, the curriculum, the programs, and everything that related to our school. The aspiration can be in form of critics, opinions, or even suggestions. This event is organized by Student Parliament.
This is how the Aspiration Day works. First, every class has their own representative to collect every aspiration that every student has in that class. The students of each class can also give their aspirations to the member of Student Parliament in their class. Second, the Student Parliament will collect all those aspirations from each class. The aspiration have to be rational, real, honest, and  have the quality of making the school better. After the Student Parliament collect and filter all the aspirations, they will give it to the school deputy. Therefore, they can make a better school every year.
Aspiration day also can give us some motivation. That comes from the guest that our school invited for like an interview, or more like talk show. These guest will telling story about their life that somehow will kind of give us motivation for the future and about changing for good. Too bad that sometimes students not really listening to the story and too busy to chat with each other so they can’t get the moral value from the story. I might be one of them. That is why teacher of SMA Negeri 3 Bandung will give assignment about what guest have told from that talk show. That's the smart trick that teacher do to teach us characters, or maybe to make our life more miserable. Just kidding. It will help us to get better grade, because more assignment we do, more point we get.