Minggu, 04 November 2018

Sustainable Development Goals

Quality Education

Sustainable Development Goals is a plan that being agreed by leaders from 193 countries of the world to face the problem that might come in the future.
We choose the quality education topic because we have read from some news that in the range of 2020-2030, according to various researches and statistics, Indonesia will get benefit from a growth of productive age of 70% when compared to non-productive age. This means that Indonesia will face demography bonus.
So, the demography bonus will give good and bad effects for Indonesia. Let’s focus on the good effects. The good effect that we can get from demography bonus is Indonesia can change its position from developing country to developed country. That only will happen if we can increase the quality of human resources. We can do that by doing quality education.
To ensure quality education, we all have to take action. Some action that we can do are facilitating kids from the poorest households and disable kids to get education.
The benefit that we can get from quality education is getting better grade for all kids and achieving primary and secondary education, affordable vocational training, and getting easier access to higher education that will make the Indonesian human resources increased and that can change Indonesias position from developing country to developed country like we hoped for.

Note :
·      Passive voice
·      Active voice

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