Rabu, 28 Februari 2018



       On Thursday, 15th of February 2018, my friends and I were going to an event in 3 Senior High School called Edupassion. Edupassion is an event that being held to help students to gather more information about some courses, faculties, and collages. This event only is only held once a year.
       In the morning, my friends and I looked around for some stands that sold foods and drinks. Then, we went to the parking area of 3 and 5 Senior High School. There, we saw many stands that promoted about their study programs, like Edulab, Rumah Daniel, Tridaya, Euro Management, and many others. Those stands were promoting about their courses, collages, or faculties.
       We went to some stands and did an interview with some people, whether from the teacher or the tutor from some couses, university student, and 3 Senior High School student.

       For more information, pleace check this link.

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