Rabu, 21 Februari 2018

The Food Of Hell From Indonesia

Famous as one of the best tropical countries, Indonesia provides tons of uniqueness and excitement. Its nature, culture, and art always bring millions of tourist each year. However, this time we are going to talk about one thing, Indonesia’s cuisine, in particular Sambal.
Sambal or sambel is infamous among tourist as the food of hell for its undeniable ability to make the consumer produces tears and sweat when eating. Produced using chili as its main ingredient, sambal is indeed taste extremely spicy.
Chili is a kind of plant from genus Capsicum. The fruit can be classified as vegetables or spices, depends on how we use it. There are many types of chili that we use in Indonesia, such as red chili, green chili, Cayenne pepper, chilli gendot, and peppers.
Sambal is made by grinding ‘cabai’ or chili, along with several complements such as onion, cherry,  tomato, ‘terasi’, sugar, and salt. The ingredients are grinded using traditional tool made usually from wood or plastic. The texture is smooth with a vibrant color of green and red, depending on which chili you use.
Sambal is a kind of food that can be stale easily, so there are several things that we have to concern when we make sambal, like we have to use healthy and fresh ingredients, we have to use clean tools, cook the ingredients first, cook the sambal with a little oil, and then keep the sambal in a clean container and put it in the freezer.
Infamous among tourists for its spiciness, many tourists avoid it. However, some of them are challenged and try to eat it. Those who dare to try usually will get stomach ache or turn very red and sweaty in the face. Though super spicy, locals eat it in almost daily basis as their main meal.
But, not many people know that the truth is the spiciness of sambal can be measured. There are many level of the spiciness of sambal, depends on what kind of sambal is it. There are two ways to measured the spiciness of sambal. First, quantitative and subjective. The spiciness of sambal can be measured by Scoville Heat Unit (SHU) scale. This scale was found in 1912 by Wilbur Scoville with Scoville Orgaoleptic Test Metode. The metode was very simple, it was only ny mixing the chili with sugar water.
Sometimes, sambal can be more spicy than we think and guessed. Usually, people will drink water, milk or yogurt to decrease the spiciness on their mouth. But, the truth is it won't work. We can decrease the spiciness by eating rice or bread.
People who doesn't like spicy foods might not gonna eat sambal ever. But, not many people know that sambal has substance that will work as antimicrobial and fight against the bacteria and virus in our body. So it might be that people who like sambal can live longer than people who doesn't like sambal.
Sambal has many other benefits, those are sambal can decrease body heat, be vitamin A and C source, scars healer, and can make us spared from cold.

Should be erased:
1. Plastic
Because the sentences says traditional tool made usually from wood or plastic. But, the tool that made from plastic is not traditional.
2. Cherry
Because there is not sambal that made by cherry,
3. Many tourist avoid it
Tourist actually try to find it.
4. Main meal
Sambal only the complementary of main meal.
5. Extremely spicy

The sentences said sambal is extremely spicy but there are also sambal that not really spicy and there are also sambal that taste sweet.

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